At Balanced Beauty Medical Aesthetics, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic enhancement to not only enhance external appearance but also uplift the spirit and foster a renewed sense of self-assurance.

Your Injectable Treatment Plan: A Full Facial Balancing Experience with Becca

Welcome to Balanced Beauty with Becca, where we tailor your aesthetic journey for a full facial balancing treatment plan. Achieving your natural results is the foundation of what we do, ensuring a personalized experience that addresses your concerns and highlights your natural beauty.

Our emphasis is on safety, efficacy, and client satisfaction, with regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress and provide ongoing support.
  • First, We Create a Treatment Plan Together Based on Your Goals with our 60 minute consultation.

    We'll chat about your lifestyle and dig into your current skincare routine. We will address your skin concerns with a customized skincare plan first followed by a plan for injectables and/or a customized skincare treatment.

  • Every treatment plan is a unique journey based on your biggest concerns. Whether we start with injectables (typically beginning with Botox), or initiate the process with other skin treatments, the path is uniquely yours.



Here is how we combine injectables and skin treatments for full facial balancing.

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Here is how I treat the areas of the face using a combination of injectables.

  • Upper Face: Botox is used in the upper face- between the brows, the forehead, and crows feet.

    Anytime you treat the forehead you have to treat in between the brows. The forehead is an elevator muscle that raises brows.

    When you treat between the brows (the depressor muscle) the best lift is created in between the brows.

    However when you put Botox in between your brows, it settles, so that’s why you must do the crows feet.

  • Mid-Face: This is the foundational place for dermal filler or Sculptra- if you are using Sculptra it’s good for creating volume by building your body’s own collagen to give you a well rounded natural result.

    When you have nasal labial folding- you need to treat your mid-face first then you can go into these areas and ‘dust’ over these areas lightly with filler or Sculptra. Whereas filler just fills the area, no collagen from it.

  • Lower Face: Filler, Sculptra, and Botox are used in these areas.

    Looking at the lower face, the chin is foundational for full face result- you need definition in your chin. It is also an extension of the jawline- when looking at the chin you need to look at the chin shadowing.

    Addressing the chin shadowing with filler or Sculptra visually helps snatch that jawline.

  • Neck & Decollete: A combination of Botox, filler, Sculptra, and skin treatments can be used in this are.

    In this area we are addressing crepey skin, deep set in lines, and neck bands (vertical and horizontal). We work to build collagen and elastin to tighten the skin and address fine lines and wrinkling with a combination of skin treatments and a final dusting of filler.